Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists 2nd Edition(外科病理学家快速参考手册 第2版)
英文原著 Natasha Rekhtman 扫描二维码
Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists 2nd Edition(外科病理学家快速参考手册 第2版)
  • 书名:Quick Reference Handbook for Surgical Pathologists 2nd Edition(外科病理学家快速参考手册 第2版)
  • 作者:Natasha Rekhtman
  • 标签: 病理学 外科 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9783319975078

This book contains a compilation of high-yield, at-a-glance summaries in quick reference format for various topics that are frequently encountered by pathologists in the daily practice or on the boards. The focus is not organ-based histologic criteria, but rather everything else that goes into pathologic diagnoses but is difficult to keep committed to memory. The emphasis is on immunohistochemistry, special stains, grading systems, molecular markers, tumor syndromes, and helpful clinical references. Also included are morphologic summaries that encompass high-yield material cutting across all organ systems, such as an illustrated guide for microorganisms, tumor differentials, and an illustrated glossary of pathologic descriptors.
