What is Life How Chemistry Becomes Biology
英文原著 Pross (Author) 扫描二维码
What is Life How Chemistry Becomes Biology
  • 书名:What is Life How Chemistry Becomes Biology
  • 作者:Pross (Author)
  • 标签: 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9780199641017

Seventy years ago, Erwin Schrödinger posed a simple, yet profound, question: 'What is life?'. How could the very existence of such extraordinary chemical systems be understood? This problem has puzzled biologists and physical scientists both before, and ever since. Living things are hugely complex and have unique properties, such as self-maintenance and apparently purposeful behaviour which we do not see in inert matter. So how does chemistry give rise to biology? Did life begin with replicating molecules, and, if so, what could have led the first replicating molecules up such a path? Now, developments in the emerging field of 'systems chemistry' are unlocking the problem. Addy Pross shows how the different kind of stability that operates
