针灸学 英文版
医学教材 方剑乔 扫描二维码
针灸学 英文版
  • 书名:针灸学 英文版
  • 作者:方剑乔
  • 标签: 针灸
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9787513218771

Aside from fulfilling a traditional Chinese medicine course requirement iuniversity, what is the point of writing a book iintroducing Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion We believe that acupuncture underlies the most important and advanced learning which is capable of collecting new knowledge and clinical applications based othe classic TCM theories. Ithis book, we tried to find the most effective ways to present acupuncture concepts, both to those students major iscience of acupuncture and moxibustioand to those who take acupuncture as the basis for their lifetime work.
