Sobotta Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy(索伯特人体解剖学临床图谱)
Sobotta Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy(索伯特人体解剖学临床图谱)
  • 书名:Sobotta Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy(索伯特人体解剖学临床图谱)
  • 作者:Friedrich Paulsen
  • 标签: 解剖学 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9780702052736

The Sobotta Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy is tailored specifically to the needs of medical and health professional students.

It utilizes a regional approach for learning human anatomy that integrates core concepts of anatomical structure and function with modern methods of diagnostic imaging, cross-sectional anatomy, illustrations of real world functions, clinically relevant surface anatomy and key examples of how anatomical knowledge informs clinical practice.
