Mechanical Link Fundamental Principles, Theory, and Practice Following an Osteopathic Approach(骨科机械连接的基本原则)
英文原著 Paul Chauffour 扫描二维码
Mechanical Link Fundamental Principles, Theory, and Practice Following an Osteopathic Approach(骨科机械连接的基本原则)
  • 书名:Mechanical Link Fundamental Principles, Theory, and Practice Following an Osteopathic Approach(骨科机械连接的基本原则)
  • 作者:Paul Chauffour
  • 标签: 骨科 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9781556434273

Developed in the late ’70s by French osteopath Paul Chauffour, Mechanical Link is a gentle manual therapy that encourages the balance of tensions in the fascial system—that complex web of tissue that interconnects and affects all other body systems. It spreads throughout the body uninterrupted, providing physical stability while also allowing flexibility and mobility. Based on the principle that traumatic stress affects the interconnecting tissues of the body by forming patterns of tension called lesions, Mechanical Link therapy has successfully treated fibromyalgia, migraines, asthma, and other conditions. Extremely popular in Europe, it is rapidly gaining adherents in North America. This book, complete with 44 black-and-white photographs and 20 color illustrations, is a comprehensive manual for diagnosing and treating patients.
