AO ASIF Principles in Spine Surgery
英文原著 M. Goytan 扫描二维码
AO ASIF Principles in Spine Surgery
  • 书名:AO ASIF Principles in Spine Surgery
  • 作者:M. Goytan
  • 标签: 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9783540627630

This book has become necessary as a consequence of the rapid expansion of the surgical procedures and implants available for spinal surgery within the "AO Group". We have not attempted to write an in-depth book on spinal surgery, but one which will help the surgeon in the use of AO concepts and implants. We con­ sider the practical courses held all over the world essential for the teaching of sound techniques so that technical complications and poor results can be avoid­ ed for both the surgeon and, in particular the patient. This book is a practical manual and an outline of what is taught in the courses. It is intended to help the young spinal surgeon to understand
