Vascular Access in Neonates and Children 2022(新生儿和儿童的血管通路)
Vascular Access in Neonates and Children 2022(新生儿和儿童的血管通路)
  • 书名:Vascular Access in Neonates and Children 2022(新生儿和儿童的血管通路)
  • 作者:Daniele G. Biasucci
  • 标签: 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-08-26
  • ISBN:9783030947088

This is a practical guide to pediatric vascular access. It covers how to use ultrasound appropriately, how to prevent and manage early and late complications, and how to correctly place the catheter tip using ECG or radiology. It includes all the most modern approaches and devices. In particular, the best approach for some specific populations is covered, including neonates and infants, complex patients, and children with cancer or renal failure requiring long term treatments. A guide on how to establish a vascular access team in a pediatric hospital is included, including the costs and benefits of having this hospital-based team.
