PNF in Practice_ An Illustrated Guide 4th Edition
英文原著 Susan S. Adler 扫描二维码
PNF in Practice_ An Illustrated Guide  4th Edition
  • 书名:PNF in Practice_ An Illustrated Guide 4th Edition
  • 作者:Susan S. Adler
  • 标签: 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-05-21
  • ISBN:9783642349874

New for this edition: new fully-color textbook design for more user-friendly learning experience; fully revised introductory chapter on the PNF basics, now including discussion and demonstration of ICF and Motor Learning aspects in detailed case study; throughout chapters, new additional case studies that help visualize the application of PNF techniques in promoting the patients’ everyday–life motor skills on activity and participation levels.
