Symptom to Diagnosis An Evidence-Based Guide 4th Edition 2019(从症状到诊断 循证学指导 第4版)
英文原著 Scott D.C. Stern 扫描二维码
Symptom to Diagnosis An Evidence-Based Guide 4th Edition 2019(从症状到诊断 循证学指导 第4版)
  • 书名:Symptom to Diagnosis An Evidence-Based Guide 4th Edition 2019(从症状到诊断 循证学指导 第4版)
  • 作者:Scott D.C. Stern
  • 标签: 英文原版
  • 评分:
  • 日期:2024-09-18
  • ISBN:9781260121117

Symptom to Diagnosis, Fourth Edition teaches an evidence-based, step-by-step process for evaluating, diagnosing, and treating patients based on their clinical complaints. By applying this process clinicians will be able to recognize specific diseases and prescribe the most effective therapy.
